Результативное лечение атрофии зрительного нерва, нистагма, амблиопии, дистрофии пигментного эпителия сетчатки в Глазной клинике им. Мардалеишвили методом трансплантации стволовых клеток из костного мозга пациента
Advantages of Treatment with Us

About our Centre
Mardaleishvili Medical Centre has successfully operated in Tbilisi since 1995. Over the years, new departments began, including the Department of Eye Diseases.
Specialists at the clinic pay much attention to the innovative method of cell therapy. The clinic has its own cryobank and special laboratories. The medical Centre employs specialists of the highest qualification category, including those who practice in leading clinics in Europe and the USA.

A chance to see again
Thanks to the work of the specialists at the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre’s Eye Clinic, therapy for a number of eye diseases became extremely effective. Innovative technology allows for the restoration of vision in cases of such diseases as amblyopia, nystagmus, optic nerve atrophy, etc.
For more than 15 years, the clinic has successfully performed autologous cell transplantation, which is possible due to the modern equipment of operating rooms, ophthalmologists, and cell therapy specialists.
Mardaleishvili Medical Centre
Since 1995, the unique Mardaleishvili Medical Centre has been functioning in Georgia. Here is where the best specialists in their field work: doctors of sciences, professors who have been trained abroad, as well as those who have practiced in clinics in Germany, the USA, and different European countries.
Over time, the clinic expanded, and new departments were opened. The Department of Cellular Therapy is known all over the world. Also popular is the Mardaleishvili Eye Clinic. Doctors at the ophthalmological centre successfully treat retinal pigment epithelium dystrophy, amblyopia, and other diseases with the introduction of stem cells.
The medical centre is constantly developing, as evidenced by its own cryobank and the modern technical equipment in its laboratories and operating rooms.
The use of stem cells in the treatment of many eye diseases and severe cases is a promising method that opens up new possibilities for both doctors and patients.
Eye clinic and cell therapy department
The Mardaleishvili Medical Centre’s Eye Clinic has become popular among foreign patients due to the high-tech equipment in the operating rooms and laboratories. The clinic began actively applying an innovative method in the treatment of optic nerve atrophy, amblyopia, and other eye diseases. Many patients from the Georgian medical facility can testify about the effectiveness of stem cells.
The Department of Cell Therapy employs specialists of higher qualification who constantly hone their skills, participate in international conferences, and train and practice in leading foreign medical institutions.
The treatment of nystagmus, optic nerve atrophy, and other eye diseases is carried out at the highest level due to the use of innovative equipment. When treating eye diseases, precision, accuracy of manipulations, and excellent performance technique during the procedure are important because stem cells are injected not only into the canal of the spinal cord but also into the orbit and eye.
In order to restore the quality of vision, doctors began to practice stem cell transplantation in the following ways:
- Intravitreally (in the eye)
- Retrobulbarly (in the eye socket)
- Intrathecally (into the canal of the spinal cord)
- Intravenously
Videos of Mardaleishvili Medical Centre’s Eye Clinic
Eye diseases treatment with stem cells
Cord blood association congress
International Quality Crown
Patient's Testimonials

Feedback from Azamat (28 years old) Read More

Feedback from Gulnara, Ilgar’s mother (14 years old) Read More

Feedback from Anna, Gleb’s mother Read More

Feedback from Alina (34 years old), Russia Read More

Feedback from Dina, Sophia’s mother Read More

Feedback from Kristina (34 years old), Lithuania Read More
Doctors of Mardaleishvili Medical Centre’s Eye Clinic
Doctors of Mardaleishvili Medical Centre’s Eye Clinic
Dr. Nana Digmelashvili
Doctor of Medical Sciences, ophthalmologist, transplant surgeon
Dr. Paata Abesadze
Department of Cellular Technologies and Therapy, Doctor of Medical Sciences, neurologist
Dr. Teimuraz Kemoklidze
Mardaleishvili Medical Centre — surgeon, oncologist, transplantologist
Dr. Nino Kharatishvili
Mardaleishvili Medical Centre — doctor-anesthesiologist
Dr. Vladimir Shvelidze
Mardaleishvili Medical Centre — anesthesiologist, resuscitator
Dr. Giorgi Kachakhidze
Mardaleishvili Medical Centre — anesthesiologist, resuscitator
Dr. Tamar Kartvelishvili
Mardaleishvili Medical Centre — doctor-anesthesiologist
Exceptional Service, Exceptional Care
Thousands of patients from all over the world come to the ophthalmological clinic every year. Our employees will help to simplify the arrival. They will:
1. Select a convenient mode of transportation for your trip in Georgia.
2. Discuss the date of arrival and order tickets.
3. Help to find comfortable housing.
4. Provide an interpreter (optional).
5. Organize leisure time for accompanying persons.
Treatment of optic nerve atrophy, retinal pigment epithelium dystrophy, nystagmus, amblyopia, and a number of other eye diseases with stem cell transplantation is possible only in an appropriately equipped operating room.
Transplantation is carried out in several ways, and performing each procedure requires strict control by a 3D imaging machine.
Patients from all over the world turn to the Mardaleishvili MC’s Eye Clinic thanks to the values of our medical institution:
1. The desire to meet the expectations of clients.
2. The qualification of doctors and ensuring the safety of procedures.
3. Respect for each patient.
4. Taking action for the benefit of the patient.
5. The creation of comfortable conditions during a patient’s stay.
Mission & Principles
We are glad to give our patients the ability to see the world clearly.
Mission of our clinic
The task of doctors is not only to treat amblyopia, nystagmus, and other eye diseases but also to help in recovery. The joy of life for our patients from the opportunity to see the world clearly is the best incentive for the work of the doctors in our department.
Concept presentation
The use of autologous stem cells poses no risk of biomaterial rejection by the body. Therefore, cell therapy in the treatment of eye diseases is not only highly effective but also does not cause complications for the patient.
Our principles
The employees of the medical centre are guided by the principles of openness and honesty in the treatment of eye pathologies for each client. The priority of the clinic is the observance of moral norms and laws by the employees.